We assist identifying and catalysing value, innovation and creative business development by –
Strategic business analysis, industry and market research – risks and opportunities in innovation & ways to do things differently
- Creative start up thinking, bringing ideas and innovation to the forefront in business
- Design thinking to map customer journeys and value propositions to create innovative business models
- Taking a business idea from concept to fruition – feasibility, teams, strategic market focused thinking, investment, operational set up, market distribution, and business systems development maximising the power of the internet
- Leveraging technology shifts and the power of the internet, mapping and enabling transformations in the ways a business relates to its staff,
its clients, its supply chain, its markets and its partners
- Harness the power of imagery to communicate and enable experience
- Position IT systems, infrastructure and communications tools to better support business and market engagement
- Source and developing software tools, focussing on IoT automation to achieve efficiencies in processes, customer services, data quality, accountability and reporting
- Research intellectual property strategically, including understanding patent dependencies, patent development, and options for leveraging into market benefit
- Supply a creative workshop space for people located near us- half our office is a purpose designed space for thinking differently see Rust 490